National Kiwi Hatchery

Now located at Agrodome Farm

The new, purpose-built National Kiwi Hatchery is located on the farm at Agrodome. Combine your visit to Agrodome with a tour of National Kiwi Hatchery for a thought-provoking and truly unique experience.

The National Kiwi Hatchery Aotearoa is the national leader in kiwi husbandry, egg incubation systems, hatching techniques, and kiwi chick rearing. National training courses for kiwi husbandry and egg candling are held at the Hatchery. 

Hatchery has grown to become the largest and most successful kiwi hatching facility in the world, successfully incubating and hatching brown kiwi eggs from around the North Island.

Bookings can be made directly through the National Kiwi Hatchery website or by contacting the Agrodome and National Kiwi Hatchery reservations team, who will help you plan and book your visit. 

Please note: the National Kiwi Hatchery Experience is only suitable for ages 5 and above.